About us Home > About us What we do Studio Turini has worked in the Industrial and intellectual property field for over 30 years. We are an important point of reference for anybody who needs to protect, develop or defend their idea. In our firm you’ll find both Patent and Trademark attorneys and lawyers who work exclusively in this field. In Studio Turini you’ll find: Italian and European Patent Attorneys Italian and European Trademark Attorneys The Patent and Trademark Attorneys work with Studio Brevetti Turini s.r.l, an organization that deals with patents, trademarks, designs filing. Lawyers The lawyers working with Studio Legale Turini deal exclusively with nullity and counterfeiting cases, unfair competition, contracts and opinions on industrial rights, copyright, company law and privacy. The two teams work both singularly and together in order to offer to the client the best possible protection. History and Mission Our mission is to file patents and trademark applications which can be defended before a judge. We do not care to obtain any patent or trademark, but a title which can be defended and which represents a real asset for the client. In this direction, the collaboration between technical experts and lawyers is an added value of great importance. Studio Turini was founded in 1993 by Lawyer Laura Turini, with the idea to give a strong distinctive character to the group right from the beginning, training and preparing professionals with this vision. During these years Studio Turini grew and today is still in a phase of great growth. Every collaborator is chosen and selected with great attention, on the basis of their professional and attitudinal experiences. An absolute attention to the market evolution, to new trends and new technologies is what distinguishes us. We constantly attend specialization courses and many of us lecture on courses focused on patents, trademarks, designs, Internet, Blockchain and NFTs. OUR MISSION, OUR COMMITMENT AGAINST INFRINGEMENT AND PLAGIARISM Know the team Certifications Studio Turini pays maximum attention to the corporate organization and the security of processed data, as we fully understand their importance. For this reason, we have obtained two important certifications: ISO 9001 for corporate organization ISO 27001 for information security management This helps us guarantee the greatest peace of mind and the best warranties with respect to high level work to the client We participate moreover in seminars in Italy and abroad and we are members of the most prestigious category associations in the sector of industrial property worldwide. INTA – International Trademark Association LES – Licensing Executives Society. AIPPI – Associazione Internazionale per la Protezione della Proprietà Intellettuale Read more Team Studio Turini can count on a team of highly qualified professionals, gifted with a great experience. Our professionals are young, prepared, determined and constantly updated. Their drive and passion for their work is one of the strengths of Studio Turini. More than a firm, we consider ourselves a team. Each one of us with their knowledge and particularities collaborates with the others to offer the best assistance possible. KNOW THE TEAM We’re associated with