
Your trademark under control

Filing the application for registration of a trademark is essential to protect and to increase the value of a product or an enterprise. However, after the filing, keeping the market under control and checking if one’s own trademark is not registered illicitly by third parties is important as well.

For this reason, Studio Turini offers a service of trademark surveillance dedicated to clients.

Month after month, we check titles that have been filed by other subjects, so that we can file an opposition in due time and prevent the trademark from being registered by others.

The surveillance service is activated on the basis of the client’s need, in the states and for classes of his interest.

Studio Turini advises the client promptly about any attempt of registration by third parties and, at any moment, suggests the specific solution to prevent the trademark from being registered by others.

The trademark surveillance on the Internet, on social networks and in marketplaces

A special type of surveillance is the one carried out on the Internet. Obviously, we do not refer to searches on search engines but something much more complex.

Studio Turini offers surveillance services aimed at controlling the use of the trademark on the Internet, on social networks, in marketplaces and also on platforms selling NFT.

Searches are carried out by highly qualified companies that use specific software which scan the web to identify illicit uses of the trademark.

When an abuse has been found, action is taken promptly, by using the resources made available by the web. If these are not sufficient to remove the abusive use, we proceed by initiating legal proceedings.


The surveillance of patents, designs and copyrights on the Internet, on social networks and in marketplaces

The surveillance on the web can be carried out not only for trademarks but also for patents, designs and works protected by copyright.

Searches are carried out by highly qualified companies that use specific software which scan the web to identify illicit uses of the trademark.

Setting an initial search strategy which is shared with the client is very important to achieve the best results.

Surveillance services offered by Studio Turini can check the web, social networks, marketplaces, platforms selling NFT, various metaverses, according to the type of product to be monitored.

Contact Us

    We are equipped with a specialized software for the management of patents, design, trademark, copyright's portfolios" Battista Software Project" - Studio Brevetti Turini s.r.l. Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020

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