Here’s to a 2024 of progress

According to Bill Gates, 2024 will be the year of artificial intelligence. We are ready to face it.

This year we have studied in depth all aspects of artificial intelligence from a legal point of view, developed new tools and we are excited to take on this beautiful adventure.

Technology is a source of progress, not of fear, we just need to know it and learn how to master it.

The future fascinates us and we have always looked beyond the day-to-day to provide our customers with the best possible service in the world ahead.

After all, with your ideas and being visionaries, you push us to go beyond the limits of the known and we are extremely grateful.

With great optimism and joy that we wish you all Happy Holidays and to recharge to be ready for future challenges.

Founder Turini GroupStudio Legale Turini
Attorney at Law | Patent and Trademark Attorney 

We are equipped with a specialized software for the management of patents, design, trademark, copyright's portfolios" Battista Software Project" - Studio Brevetti Turini s.r.l. Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020

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