24 October 2022 Eng. Mario Emmi can now represent parties before the UPC On 1st June 2023 the Unified Patent Court (UPC) will enter into force and the procedure to manage patents infringement lawsuits will change. The Unified Patent Court will be the point of reference for the solution of disputes connected to European patents and European patents with unitary effect, which will allow to protect inventions with … Eng. Mario Emmi can now represent parties before the UPC Read the article
17 October 2022 Laura Turini lecturer at the Higher Educational Course In Intellectual Property and IT I’m happy and honored of the assignment received as lecturer at the Online Higher Educational Course in “Intellectual Property, Law and Information Technology” of Accademia Europea. Together with important colleagues, we will cover the latest news relating to intellectual property, stimulating the focus on cutting-edge themes. My first lesson, which will take place on 30 … Laura Turini lecturer at the Higher Educational Course In Intellectual Property and IT Read the article
17 October 2022 NFT, art and metaverse: seminar at Ordine degli Avvocati Firenze On 10 November 2022, Lawyer Ilaria Feriti, Lawyer Maria Luisa Milanesi and Ms. Giulia Mugnaini, Head of our Trademark Department, will be speakers in a seminar taking place at Florence Bar Association (Ordine degli Avvocati di Firenze), entitled “NFT, art and law in the metaverse”. Lawyer Laura Turini, promoting the seminar, will moderate and coordinate … NFT, art and metaverse: seminar at Ordine degli Avvocati Firenze Read the article
17 October 2022 The new image of Turini Group It was 1993, I was an assistant professor and a young journalist when I decided to focus on helping inventors to create their own ideas with the help of some collaborators. Studio Turini came to light. In the next few years, the IP and copyright world would face landmark changes. We were driven by the … The new image of Turini Group Read the article
17 October 2022 Studio Brevetti Turini obtains ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 From the very beginning, our Firm has been offering services and consultations with a precise goal: the satisfaction of our clients. In order to do so, a well-defined internal structure, up-to-date technology and a team of trained and always updated professionals are necessary. During these years, the Firm has invested time and resources in reaching … Studio Brevetti Turini obtains ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Read the article